On 18th August Auckland Council notified a very large plan change which changes zoning and rules across the whole region, as directed by Central Government.
There are two processes in play that have resulted in the plan change:
Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS). There are a set of rules which require the Council to permit three dwellings within residential zones, subject to complying with the MDRS standards. The plan change incorporates these MDRS into the Auckland Unitary Plan.
The National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD). This is government policy statement that directs higher levels of development to be allowed where in proximity to frequent public transport stops. In particular, development of at least 6 storeys must be enabled within “walkable catchments”.
The Council has determined that walkable catchments will be 1200m from the City Centre and 800 metres from planned rapid transport stops and previously consulted on these distances prior to notifying the plan change.
Further information on the plan change, including a number of fact sheets produced by the Council, can be found here:
The Council regularly updates their website with any other plan changes that are currently open for submissions or have been notified. These can be found here.
In the North Shore this has resulted in greater building intensity around Albany, the bus stations along the Northern Busway, Takapuna, and a smaller amount around the Devonport Town Centre. The dark orange on the following maps shows where the Terrace Housing and Apartment Building zone is being applied. The dark black outlined shows the walkable catchments.
For the central Isthmus a large amount of development is enabled surrounding the City Centre zone, along the western line train stations, southern and eastern line stations. For East Auckland, intensification is centred around Botany Town Centre, Highland Park, and Pakuranga Town Centre.
Controversially large area of the Central Isthmus has not been zoned where located around the proposed Auckland Light Rail Corridor.
For West Auckland intensification is centred around the train stations on the Western Line with Terrace Housing and Apartment Zoning forming large, interlinked areas stretching from Avondale – Glen Eden, and Henderson – Ranui. Intensification is also provided for around Westgate.
In South Auckland, intensification is centred around the train stations along the Southern Line from Middlemore – Papakura. Intensification is also centred around Papatoetoe Town Centre.
Submissions must be received by the Council by 29th September 2022.
While in theory submissions could be made on the MDRS Standards, there is little utility in doing so as the standards have been mandated in the legislation and the Council is simply incorporating them into the Auckland Unitary Plan.
Those areas that can be challenged, or supported, relate more to the decisions that have been made by the Council. These include:
The Council has also notified a plan change relating to the transport chapter of the Unitary Plan. It primarily looks to include new requirements around:
While the plan change is well intentioned, the current drafting would add significant complexity to the processing of resource consents and submissions on this plan change to improve the rules and associated provisions is highly recommended.
The plan changes that have been notified are extensive and quite complicated. The deadline for submissions is also on a tight timeframe.
If you need assistance preparing a submission on the plan change, please do get in touch using the details found below.